Ask For A Message And See What Happens with Brit Albin, Texture Artist & Entrepreneur

Season #1 Episode #5

Today I sit down with Texture Artist, Brit Albin who is a full-time creative artist and entrepreneur! Her studio is a place where she creates art as legacy pieces. Brit ran a side hustle despite spending 40-60 hours per week at her full-time job for years. She admits she was not content, and deep inside, she felt there was more God intended to achieve, but pivoting would require a great deal of trust. She began her creative company full-time at the beginning of a worldwide pandemic. “I asked God GIVE ME A MESSAGE,” Brit says. Brit shares the hurdles her and her husband overcame and after 13 years of marriage they have yet to have children. But, in the midst of her own pain she has assisted in raising other people’s children, homeschooled, volunteered, and dedicated much of her life to the development of children, yet she has been unable to conceive. In this episode listen to how God continues working through her longing to become a mother as the inspiration for the breathtaking art she creates today!

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To learn more about Brit Albin’s story read her feature on

Music Provided By @LAKEYINSPIRED - Warm Nights:

Genius co-producer Ben Valdez